The Journal accepts the following:
Research Articles:
Articles are situated within the existing body of research on security and development in the Global South; use an explicit theoretical framework; make use of qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods of data collection and analysis; and reflect on both the academic as well as policy-oriented relevance of the results.
Authors should write in a tone that underscores an important commitment of the journal to examine things at the intersection of the Global and the Local. Even if the article one writes on is about a local issue, he or she should try to draw lessons that are of global relevance. Doing so will make a reader even in another part of the world care about the article and learn something from it. In other words, one can write an article about something in Nigeria or Africa, but should in the conclusion of the study draw lessons that have relevance beyond Nigeria or Africa for anyone reading the paper. In effect writers of articles should not be provincial in their thinking and writing style.
The journal recognizes that scholars can have disagreement in their thinking about an issue and often even when they agree on a problem, they may not agree on the best way to resolve it. But the journal is committed to airing such divergent opinions and takes civility in expressing scholarly disagreement very seriously.
Field Notes:
Field notes critically present and discuss innovative approaches, evidence-informed programmes and initiatives to advance security and development in the Global South. Book Reviews:
The journal will publish reviews of latest books that have been published on subject matters that are directly related to the focus of the journal. This will help in introducing readers to current scholarship.
- Abstract: maximum, 200 words
- Word count
- Article: 7000-8000, including references
- Field notes: 2500-3000, including references
- Book reviews: 800-1000, including references
- Reference style: APA, 7th edition
- MS Word format, tables and figures included in the text
- Submission Email: [email protected]
- Submission Deadline: April 15 (June Issue), October 15 (December Issue)